Thursday 12 November 2009

Exercise and Guinea pigs

Guinea pigs are similar human beings in the field of exercise also. They require exercise just as humans do. You should take your guinea pig elsewhere and allow it to run around in every two to three days. If you take your guinea pig outside, make certain that it doesn't run on the road. Guinea pigs are scared of strident and unexpected noises, as a result when a car is heard passing on the road; it may make an effort to run away, considering that something is following them

In addition to the above mentioned fact, you should also make certain that it isn't extremely cold or extremely hot outside for your guinea pig. An excellent temperature range for guinea pigs is 64º to 72º F. If you don't prefer to do that or can't, allow it to run all over the room with the door closed. Make certain there are no electrical wires in the region and that it won't get stepped on or lost. A lot of guinea pigs die for the reason that people don't make out them and step on them or electrical wires from lamps, TVs, or radios are left where guinea pigs can catch at them.

Guinea pigs find irresistible to chew on everything, as a result be alert as rugs may turn out a little messy after a guinea pig has been out to play. You should also consider the fact that guinea pigs will almost certainly follow bedding all over the room and that it might go to the bathroom on the floor. Just a heads-up for what you may observe at the time of letting your guinea pig run free in a room.

Click Here to readthe "Ultimate Guide To Happy Healthy Guinea Pigs" Website

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