Thursday 9 February 2023

Can Guinea Pigs Eat Strawberries and Other Dietary Questions?

Unlike some pets that thrive with a bowl of the same food daily, a guinea pig needs a diet that is varied and intricate. Anyway, making the best diet for your pig can be a confusing process.

Check out the answers to some general dietary questions to keep your pet fit and his belly full.                   

Should all guinea pigs be fed pellets?

Not, not important. If your guinea pig has issues with recurring bladder stones, you may want to skip the pellets. Anyway, you will need to ensure that the rest of his diet is providing him with the right nutrients.

Why do some people offer their guinea pigs vitamin C tablets?

Guinea pigs do not make their own Vitamin C, so it is your work to ensure your pet is getting enough through its food. Pelleted guinea pig feed generally contains vitamin C, but you may want to offer additional Vitamin C through drops or tablets to make sure that your guinea pig is maintaining the right levels.

What does a healthy diet for a guinea pig look like?

A perfect guinea pig diet would consist of clean, cool water changed daily, unlimited grass hay, a cup of fresh vegetables regularly (some favourites include carrots, romaine lettuce, and green or red peppers, etc), a pelleted feed and potentially supplemental Vitamin C in a drop or tablet form.

Can guinea pigs eat fruit like strawberries?

Yes, in moderation. Guinea pigs also enjoy bananas, apples, blueberries, apricots, cantaloupe, oranges, grapes and watermelon.

As with all sugary food, guinea pigs will forever want more, but bear in mind that a slice or two is more than enough. Too much fruit can cause digestion problems and Diarrhea, and, as with humans, can destroy their teeth. Be sure to watch the fruit well to get rid of any pesticides.

Is there anything my guinea pig cannot eat?

Guinea pigs are herbivores, so they should not be meat products or fed dairy. It is top to reject or restrict their intake of cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cabbage, and collards, as they have a tendency to cause gas.

You should also reject treats with nuts, seeds, dyed pieces or dried fruit, as well as seeds that come in husks, such as sunflower seeds, as these can be a choking risk. Never feed your guinea pig rabbit pellets, as they do not have vitamin C, and may have antibiotics that are toxic to guinea pigs.

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